Hi, this is Bridget Sullivan Mermel. At our firm, we are fee-only financial planners who work with people in a comprehensive, or holistic, way. We are innovative financial planners who help people connect money and meaning to create fulfilling lives.
We especially enjoy working with near-retirees and retirees, attorneys, and clients interested in socially responsible investing.
We serve clients through an on-going retainer which includes systematically going over every area of your finances, including recommending and implementing investments as well as preparing and filing your taxes.
I started out with a tax practice in 1997. I could see that clients wanted and needed help not just with their taxes, but with other areas of their personal finances, too. When I found out about fee-only advising, with its emphasis on giving bias-free advice, I was hooked! I love helping people understand and improve their finances.
At Sullivan Mermel, Inc. we are fee-only financial planners located in Chicago, Illinois serving clients in Chicago and throughout the nation. We meet both in-person in our Chicago office and virtually through video conferencing and secure file transfer.